
ZachCG's Medals


Total Medals Earned: 894 (From 146 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 11,875 Points

Pico's School 2

Medals Earned: 1/3 (100/150 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pico's School DX

Medals Earned: 3/11 (60/370 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Brutal 10 Points

You probably poke dead animals with sticks, too.

Overkill 25 Points

When winning just isn't enough...

Bruckheimer 50 Points

Make a big explosion!

Time Attack 50 Points

A new lap record!

Save The Day 100 Points

Well aren't you a fucking hero?!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Picture Frame

Medals Earned: 1/1 (10/10 points)

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Pixel Purge

Medals Earned: 7/20 (75/490 points)

High Score (Bronze) 5 Points

Acquire a score of 100,000 or greater.

Slayer of the Peon King 5 Points

Defeat the largest Peon.

Level Climber (Silver) 10 Points

Reach level 10

Slayer of the Grunt King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Grunt.

Slayer of the Miner King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Miner.

Slayer of the Splitter King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Splitter.

Mine Sweeper 25 Points

Destroy 50 mines in a single game.

Evasion Expert (Bronze) 5 Points

Don't get hit for 30 seconds.

Slayer of the Waver King 10 Points

Defeat the largest Waver.

Hardcore (Platinum) 25 Points

Don't spend any skill points and reach level 10 or greater.

Marksman 25 Points

Accurately land 50 shots without a single miss.

Platinum Chain 25 Points

Reach a kill chain of 1000

Slayer of the Fume King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Fume.

Slayer of the Seeker King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Seeker.

Slayer of the Shield King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Shield.

Slayer of the Vessel King 25 Points

Defeat the largest Vessel.

Terminator (Gold) 25 Points

Defeat 1000 enemies in a single game.

Bestiary Complete 50 Points

Completely fill your bestiary by defeating 20 of each enemy in the game.

Master Trophy Collector 50 Points

Acquire all Trophies.

Defender of Pixela-RT 100 Points

100% the game (Acquire a gold star on the main menu for both Trophy and the Bestiary buttons)

PixEvo - The Fountain

Medals Earned: 5/7 (100/300 points)

Back To Life 5 Points

Recover some strength

The Heart Of Man 10 Points

Become a full human

Walking Again 10 Points

Get your legs back

More Than A Man 25 Points

Grow small wings

The Call Of The Beast 50 Points

Become the beast

Speed Run 100 Points

Complete the game in 15 minutes or less

True Protector 100 Points

Restore the fountain's flow

Portal Defenders

Medals Earned: 7/23 (45/540 points)

Big Fuzzy Hug 5 Points

Defeat BigFuzzyKitten.

Exasperated 5 Points

View the game walkthrough.

First Blood 5 Points

Hit your first enemy.

Jump-Man 5 Points

Press the jump button to take flight!.

Fishmonger 10 Points

Defeat Psycho-Goldfish.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Konami 5 Points

Toggle Halloween Mode on or off.

Chamber Maid 10 Points

Defeat Mindchamber.

ZAMBONI 10 Points

Get 80% or more on P-bot's cleanup mini-game.

Ambiguous Duo 25 Points

Defeat Stamper & Jeff.

BFFs 25 Points

Best Friends Forever! Beat the game with both Tom and Dan.

Hollow Weiner 25 Points

Beat the game in Halloween Mode.

Nose Diver 25 Points

View every game-over ending (1 for each wave).

Zombiieez! 25 Points

Eat 5 brains in one game.

Finesser 50 Points

Beat the game without using bombs.

King of the Portal 50 Points

Send the game's final boss back to the abyss.

Kitty Litter 50 Points

Defeat the Kitty Krew without taking any damage.

Vegan 50 Points

Beat the game without eating any guts.

Over-achiever 100 Points

Beat the game at least once with all 6 characters.

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!

Secret Medal ????? Points

Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!


Medals Earned: 4/5 (20/120 points)

Mike drop 5 Points

Tyson was dropped from the game in 1990 after he lost the title.

NeoGeo 5 Points

Joing the Deathink fan club, follow Deathink on Newgrounds TODAY!

Shitter 5 Points

Follow me on Twitter.

You can't handle this! 5 Points

Get punched out by Tom.

Punch Out Tom! 100 Points

Beat Toms butt for blamming your submission.

Punk-o-matic 2

Medals Earned: 1/26 (5/500 points)

New Comer 5 Points

Play a good concert at the garage!

Inspiration 5 Points

Learn 1 cover!

Junk Keeper 5 Points

Collect 10 stage items!

Perfectionist I 5 Points

Play a perfect song during a concert!

Streak Novice 5 Points

Do a 100 notes streak!

Crazy Gig 10 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the concert hall!

From The Best 10 Points

Learn 5 covers!

Full Bar 10 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the bar!

Junk Amateur 10 Points

Collect 25 stage items!

Local Punker 10 Points

Play a good concert at the bar!

Perfectionist II 10 Points

Play 2 perfect songs during a concert!

Popular 10 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the garage!

Rising Star 10 Points

Play a good concert at the theater!

Serious Player 10 Points

Play a good concert at the concert hall!

Streak Apprentice 10 Points

Do a 250 notes streak!

Grand Night 25 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the theater!

Homage 25 Points

Learn 15 covers!

Junk Hunter 25 Points

Collect 50 stage items!

Perfectionist III 25 Points

Play 3 perfect songs during a concert!

Rocking The World 25 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the stadium!

Shining Star 25 Points

Play a good concert at the stadium!

Streak Master 25 Points

Do a 500 notes streak!

Cover Band 50 Points

Learn 30 covers!

Junk Collector 50 Points

Collect 100 stage items!

Punk Legend 50 Points

Play a good concert at the park!

Writing History 50 Points

Play a sold-out concert at the park!

Rebuild 2

Medals Earned: 2/7 (15/205 points)

Zed Slayer 5 Points

Kill 100 zombies

Victory at Last 10 Points

Win the game on any difficulty

The Necropolis 5 Points

Find and reclaim the big graveyard

The Bitter End 10 Points

Lose the game

Completionist 25 Points

Find all five endings (cumulative)

Mountain of Bodies 50 Points

Kill 100,000 zombies (cumulative)

Impossible! 100 Points

Win the game on Impossible difficulty

Reimagine :The Game:

Medals Earned: 3/12 (175/440 points)

Unzipping in the No-Fly Zone 25 Points

Finish one third of the levels.

Charged With Battery 50 Points

Finish two thirds of the levels.

The End The Game 100 Points

Finish all the levels... Oh, but that's JUST the levels!

Finding Out Who Your REAL Friends Are 5 Points

Share this game! Your REAL friends will weep for you.

Death By Slow Internet 10 Points

Get 1000 points on the Preloader game. YOU MONSTER

Baby I Was Born To Survive 25 Points

Pass Lady Gaga The Game without dying.


Complete Inception The Game in under 30 seconds.

Not That Dying On Lost MEANS Dying On Lost 25 Points

Pass LOST THE GAME (haha) without dying.

So Vivid And Intense 25 Points

Pass Rainbows The Game without dying.

Too Soon, Finish Late 25 Points

Survive Earthquakes The Game for 30 seconds.

Viewer Number 301 25 Points

Complete Youtube The Game in under 15 seconds.


Unlock EVERYTHING. Now, you can play the game as your OWN character. SUCCESS.